Adult Classes

Our adult classes are specifically crafted to immerse adults in the world of dance, offering an opportunity to experience its beauty and joy. The curriculum focuses on nurturing elegance, improving posture, and fostering artistic fulfillment, inviting participants on a journey beyond traditional dance instruction to enhance physical grace and artistic depth.

  • Age:18+

Class Level Description

Foundation class is designed for beginners with no prior dance experience, serving as the starting point for learning. It covers the basics of ballet technique, including positions, posture, vocabulary, and mechanics, focusing on arm and leg positioning and correct body alignment. No experience is necessary!
Beginner / Elementary
This class targets students with 0-2 years of ballet experience aiming to enhance strength, stamina, and musicality. It emphasizes whole-body conditioning, flexibility, and refining basic ballet techniques, including positions, vocabulary, and mechanics through medium-length barre and center exercises.
This intermediate class is for students proficient in beginner / elementary level, focusing on complex step combinations at a faster pace, including barre and center work with balances and multi-directional movements, plus ballet variations and repertoire. It's ideal for those with 2-4 years of ballet experience.
The advanced class is for students with solid dance skills and expressiveness, focusing on individual artistry beyond ballet mechanics. It covers complex and advanced barre, center, and across-the-floor combinations, preparing students to perform high-difficulty dance repertoires.

Class Style Description

Ballet: basic training, techniques, variations, and pointe techniques

Ballet is an art discipline composed of numerous precise movements and is considered the foundation of all dance forms. It emphasizes turnout, stretching, straightness, and the human body's harmony of straight and curved lines. Its aesthetics and technical requirements emphasize lightness, elegance, nobility, expansiveness, and standardization. Various sports that value aesthetics use ballet as a basic training.

Modern Dance: basic training, Horton technique, repertoire

Modern dance, originating in Europe and America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, emphasizes individual expression and emotional conveyance, breaking free from traditional dance norms and techniques. It focuses on the dancer's unrestricted body movement and deep emotional expression. As a vibrant and innovative style, modern dance offers a wide platform for dancers' expression, delivering artistic satisfaction and a fresh viewing experience for audiences.

Classical Dance: body rhythm, repertoire

Classical Chinese dance, a cornerstone of traditional dance, is celebrated for its artistic imagery, body rhythm expression, precise and standardized movements, and superior skills. It evolves from national and folk dance traditions, refined and innovated across generations, embodying exemplary significance and classical style. Its distinctiveness lies in its emphasis on the beauty of curves—twisting, leaning, rounding, bending—and a temperament that is strong, upright, reserved, and flexible, influencing both movement and overall performance. A key feature is its focus on body rhythm, harmonizing movement with rhythm to highlight the unity of form and spirit, showcasing the unique style and charm of Chinese classical dance. 

PBT: scientific muscle quality capability training and technical conditioning

Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) is an innovative conditioning program aimed at enhancing muscle memory to help dancers achieve peak condition and unlock their full potential. Focused on core stability, weight transfer, and alignment, PBT exercises, developed by Marie Walton-Mahon and physiotherapists, boost technical skills along with strength and flexibility.


Recreational Interest Class

This inclusive dance course welcomes all ages and skill levels, offering daily training that not only improves physical fitness and temperament but also fosters a relaxed environment for students to explore their passion for dance and self-expression.

Winter and Summer Intensive

The winter and summer intensive classes offer a focused review of prior skills and address learning gaps, providing a more concentrated curriculum that enhances retention, compounds learning effects, and accelerates progress significantly compared to regular courses.

Private Lesson

High-quality private lessons are tailored according to the student's current level of dance ability. These courses are completely personalized and highly targeted, capable of achieving efficient learning outcomes in a short period of time.

Master Class

Master classes taught by instructors from leading ballet companies and academies worldwide provide students with unparalleled insights and aesthetic guidance, crucial for stage success. This expert advice, rooted in decades of artistic experience, can lead to significant skill improvements. Each correction and demonstration has the potential to be a breakthrough, expanding students’ perspectives and unlocking their potential. These classes instill a mature approach to dance challenges and opportunities, proving essential for any dancer's development on the competitive path.